The regular copy of the Snow White book is sold out

Only the limited edition is still available

Walt Disney's Blanche Neige (Snow White) art book

signed by the author and contains a foot of original
35 mm film from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Limited edition of 250 copies (only 50 copies are still available now)

1 book (limited edition) to USA via airmail (2 weeks).....................$ 260

2 books (limited edition) to USA via airmail (2 weeks)...................$ 500

Please send an international money order or a cashier check

with your complete name and adress to :


La Pitière - 61550 Glos-la-Ferrière - France

We will send you an E-mail the day of the book will be shiped.

Regarding the weigh of the book we could send only 2 books in the same package.

Please send your order to : plamb@infonie.fr